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Title: TSUBASA GN (2004) #2

Publisher: Del Rey Book

TSUBASA GN (2004) #2 is available for pre-order. To view and order the issues and variants of this title, see TSUBASA GN (2004) #2 in the Mile High Comics NICE.

One's own strength is mirrored in the mysterious "Kudan" familiars that attach themselves to anyone living in the strange, modern universe of the Hanshin Republic. Syaoran, Fai, Kurogane, Mokona, and the unconscious Sakura have come to the Hanshin Republic to find one of the missing pieces of Sakura's memory, manifested as magically powerful feathers. Syaoran's "Kudan" is a fierce wolf-spirit of fiery strength and with foes such as an idol singer who emits words of pain, Syaoran's hunt for feathers is no child's game! But even if he finds the feather, will Sakura ever wake up? And can their love go back to what is was when he has already bargained the relationship away in a pact with a witch?
SC, 5x7, 208pg, b&w $10.95

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