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Title: THREADS OF TIME GN (2004) #1

Publisher: Tokyo Pop (Formerly Mixx)

THREADS OF TIME GN (2004) #1 is available for pre-order. To view and order the issues and variants of this title, see THREADS OF TIME GN (2004) #1 in the Mile High Comics NICE.

by Mi Young Noh
Moon Bin Lee dreams of living in a different time - a time in which homework doesn't exist, and what is best in life is to crush your opponents, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women. However, this 20th-century student should be careful what he wishes for...and he must come to terms with why he constantly finds himself living life in the 13th century as the son of a prominent warrior family! Are his dreams becoming reality - or is reality just a waking nightmare?
SC, 5x7, 192pg, b&w (1 of 11) $9.99

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