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Title: SMALL GODS (2004) #3

Publisher: Image Comics

SMALL GODS (2004) #3 is available for pre-order. To view and order the issues and variants of this title, see SMALL GODS (2004) #3 in the Mile High Comics NICE.

Written by Jason Rand
Art & Cover by Juan E. Ferreyra
CONCEPT: In 1991, after decades of skepticism and disbelief, the existence of psychic powers has finally been proven. Today, an estimated 1% of the world's population possesses psychic abilities. These people are not superheroes. In most ways, they're just ordinary people, living ordinary lives. They have families, careers and dreams; they eat, sleep, live...and die.
THIS ISSUE: "Killing Grin," Part Three-Precog detective Owen Young must make an impossible choice: sacrifice himself and his friends or forfeit his convictions as a police officer. As the pressure mounts, Detective Jodi Asamori-Lane reveals a secret of her own, threatening what little control Owen still possesses over events. Yet even Jodi's bombshell is rendered trivial when a chance encounter threatens to force Owen's hand, pushing him towards an unthinkable act.
On Sale 25 AUGUST, 2004
FC 32 pgs. $2.95 Monthly ongoing series

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