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Title: MERMAID SAGA GN (2004) #2

Publisher: Viz Comics

MERMAID SAGA GN (2004) #2 is available for pre-order. To view and order the issues and variants of this title, see MERMAID SAGA GN (2004) #2 in the Mile High Comics NICE.

by Rumiko Takahashi
This is Rumiko Takahashi at her darkest, but her trademark humor and romance also pop up in this three-volume series. Legend has it that if a human eats a mermaid's flesh, they will be granted eternal life. But is that a blessing or a curse? Immortal lovers Yuta and Mana travel through Japan and the centuries longing for a normal life. On their journey, they meet others who have consumed the flesh of a mermaid in hope of becoming immortal. But the powerful substance affects each person differently. Yuta and Mana are two of the lucky ones. Others are fated to die or transform into a savage monster, a "lost soul." A mysterious woman who knows the immortal lovers' secret holds Mana captive! Traveling through war-torn feudal Japan, Yuta msut decide the fate of another unusual kind of immortal. Mana meets one of the Yuta's former lovers, who has became deranged with bitterness. And together, Yuta and Mana discover that evil lurks behind the most innocent of faces.... This volume contains the series "Mermaid's Dream," "Mermaid's Promise," and "Mermaid's Scar."
SC, 208pg, b&w $9.99

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