Comic Index
Comic Index Publishers Comic Index Titles Titles Beginning with 'J'


Publisher: Import/Foreign Publishers

JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE #222 is available for pre-order. To view and order the issues and variants of this title, see JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE #222 in the Mile High Comics NICE.

Yet more shocks and surprises in all-new strip adventures from the worlds of Judge Dredd and beyond! Judge Dredd closes in on a mystery killer with a secret past in "Six" (2 of 2: John Wagner & Chris Weston); join the psychonauts on a fantastic voyage into Cass's brain in Anderson - PSI-Division in "WMD" (2 of 6: Alan Grant & Arthur Ranson); something nasty's on the trail of simp detective Jack Point in "Mega-City Noir: Crystal Blue" (2 of 3: Simon Spurrier & Frazer Irving); and Black Siddha journeys into the dark heart of a very special hostel in "Kali Yuga" (5 of 6: Pat Mills & Simon Davis). Plus: news, features, interviews and classic British comic thrills, including "Charley's War" (Pat Mills & Joe Colquhoun) and "Hell Trekkers" (John Wagner/Alan Grant & Lalia).
Magazine $10.99

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