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Title: HEY WAIT GN (2001) #1 NEW PRINT

Publisher: Fantagraphics

HEY WAIT GN (2001) #1 NEW PRINT is available for pre-order. To view and order the issues and variants of this title, see HEY WAIT GN (2001) #1 NEW PRINT in the Mile High Comics NICE.

by Jason
This superbly evocative graphic novella by the award-winning Norwegian cartoonist Jason (his first appearance in the English language) starts off as a melancholy childhood memoir and then, with a shocking twist midway through, becomes the summary of lives lived, wasted, and lost. Like Art Spiegelman did with Maus, Jason utilizes anthropomorphic stylizations to reach deeper, more general truths, and to create elegantly minimalist panels whose emotional depth-charge comes as an even greater shock.
SC, 7x10, 68pg, b&w $12.95

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