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Title: GUNDAM SEED GN (2004) #2

Publisher: Del Rey Book

GUNDAM SEED GN (2004) #2 is available for pre-order. To view and order the issues and variants of this title, see GUNDAM SEED GN (2004) #2 in the Mile High Comics NICE.

by Masatsugu Iwase
In the world of the Cosmic Era, a war is underway between the genetically-enhanced Coordinators and the unmodified Naturals. The Natural-dominated Earth Alliance, struggling to catch up with the Coordinators' superior technology, has secretly developed its own Gundam mobile suits at a neutral space colony. Through a twist of fate, a young Coordinator named Kira Yamato, becomes the pilot of the Alliance's prototype Strike Gundam, and finds himself forced to fight his own people in order to protect his friends!
SC, 5x7, 208pg, b&w $10.95

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