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Title: BATMAN PVC SET (2004) #1

Publisher: Trade Items

BATMAN PVC SET (2004) #1 is available for pre-order. To view and order the issues and variants of this title, see BATMAN PVC SET (2004) #1 in the Mile High Comics NICE.

As a boy, Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents' gruesome murder by an unknown gunman and vowed revenge against all who broke the law. As a young adult, he worked to fulfill this vow by traveling the world to learn from masters of various defense disciplines. Eventually he became an exceptional escape artist, master of martial arts, acrobatics, science, technology, boxing, disguises, criminology and detective skills. Having perfected his skills, Bruce Wayne is prepared to embark on his mission. But one thing eludes him -- the ability to strike fear in the hearts of the criminals he will confront while protecting his true identity. The Batman PVC Figure Display Box Set includes 3" Figures of Batman, Robin, Catwoman, Joker, Riddler, and the Batmobile. The set also includes a fold-out playbox. The 3" PVC figures are flexible, yet durable. (6257)
Set SRP: $14.99

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