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Comic Index NICE July 2004 Publishers Comic Index NICE July 2004 Titles NICE July 2004 Titles Beginning with 'T'

Title: TURTLE TURTLE GN (2004) #1

Publisher: Alternative Press

TURTLE TURTLE GN (2004) #1 is available for pre-order (and as an ongoing monthly subscription). To view details of this item, and place a pre-order for this title, see TURTLE TURTLE GN (2004) #1 in the Mile High Comics NICE comic book subscription section.

by Jed Alexander
Just off the coast of an unnamed Mexican town is Porta Tortuga, an Island that no one seems to remember but Cesar, a U.S citizen with a Mexican mother and a Jewish father who spent one unforgettably vivid day at the Island's Dia de los Phantasmas festival. And just what the "Dia de los Phantasmas" festival is or where the island can be found no one seems to remember either; or what happened that long-ago summer of his childhood on an island whose inhabitants are convinced they live on a giant turtle. Cesar returns to Mexico to try and find the island and to try and decipher memories that he can't let go of, and to search for his father, who disappeared 15 years earlier, and what the adult Cesar discovers will both demystify these early memories, and reveal an even more impenetrable secret.
SC, 96pg, PC $11.95
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