Chapter #13 in the story of the discovery of the original Mile High/Edgar
Church collection.
I would like to keep telling you stories for quite some time about my
discovery of Edgar Church's collection of Golden Age comics ( I have
dozens of sidebar stories I will eventually relate...), but after three
months on the same topic, I think I need to get back to primary purpose
of this column, which is discussing trends in the market for back issue
comics. Before I move on, however, I need to cover a final couple of final
important details about the Church collection. This week, I want to cover
the micro-economic impact of the Church collection on the 1977 market for
Golden Age comics.
About six weeks after I had saved the collection from imminent destruction,
I drove 20 hours to attend a CasualCon, in Anaheim, CA. While CasualCon was
only a one-day show, I had heard from several friends that it was an
excellent marketplace for old comics. So, Nanette and I loaded up our
old 1969 Chevy window van with about 2,000 of the Edgar Church comics,
and drove all night to Anaheim.
When we arrived, early the next day, we went straight to the Inn-at-the-Park
convention center. I had arranged in advance for us to have a single table
in the back of the room. Before the room even opened, however, we had a
very surreal experience. I wheeled our boxes full of Golden Age into the
hallway reserved for dealer's entry, and waited in line with about 30 other
dealers for the room to open. Most of the dealers attending the show were
from the Southern California area, and they were quite surprised to see us
so far from home. When they inquired why we drove so far for a one-day show,
I told them about the Church collection. What happened next was incredible.
Dealers clustered around our boxes, and a feeding frenzy began. Within the
span of 30 minutes, we sold $4,200 in comics! By the time the room opened,
practically every dealer had purchased books from us.
While this should have set the stage for a great day, it actually caused
just the opposite. Instead of the convention being a success, it turned
into an incredibly dull affair. We sold about $500 more in comics to retail
consumers, but that was it. In surveying the dealer's room, I quickly picked
up on the fact that overall economic activity in the room was totally
constrained. I asked some questions, and came to the startling realization
that I had removed all the working capital out of that dealer's room. By
taking all the cash the dealers had brought with them before the room even
opened, I caused a mini economic recession!
To explain, at the time of this convention, I was also attending classes in
the Business School at the University of Colorado. My major was Finance, and
I had just finished one course on Micro-Economics, and another on The
Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy. Applying what I had learned in my
classes, I could readily see that by introducing a product that was
unique in the marketplace (very high-grade Golden Age), I had upset
everyone's equilibrium. In particular, by pricing my beautiful books
at straight Overstreet, I created an immediate perceived reduction in
value of all the lesser-grade Golden Age books in the room. Why buy
comics in Fine from the dealer at the table next to you, when you can
buy stunning NM/M copies from Chuck, for only slightly more?
The main problem with all the dealer's buying from us is that they then
didn't purchase anything from each other. Without reciprocal sales between
dealers occurring around the room, the "velocity" of transactions was
greatly restrained. As a result, while every dealer ended up with a few
of our great comics, they all felt the show was a failure, due to very
slow business. We were the only ones who did well, and we took all the
money home.
What I learned from this experience was to not price the comics from the
Church collection at Overstreet. Not only was the demand there that
justified higher prices, but I was also not doing anyone who already
owned large quantities of Golden Age comics any favors by selling those
great books too cheaply. In fact, I firmly believe that I could have crashed
the entire Golden Age market nation-wide in 1977 if I had sold all the
Church comics, at Overstreet, during that one year. This is an opinion
shared by many others who were in the field during those formative years.
Only by making the decision to sell the Church comics at the "outrageous"
multiples of 1.5X - 2X Overstreet did I slow the sales enough to where the
books were integrated into the Golden Age community without devaluing the
rest of the comics in the market. I was absolutely ripped apart in the fan
press by the "purists" in the collecting community for selling the Church
books at above Guide (especially after the rumors started circulating about
how inexpensively I had purchased the collection), but I darn well knew that
the policy I had chosen was the right one for the long term viability of
the Golden Age market. I was only 21 years old at the time, so it was hard
to put up with all the vicious public criticism I engendered by my pricing
decision, but I'm firmly convinced to this day that I did absolutely the
right thing for the financial health of the back issue comics market. The
fact that everyone who purchased books from me in those early days (even
at my "inflated" prices) made a fortune on their investment, seems to bear
out the ultimate wisdom of my decision to price at small multiples above
To be continued...
Please send your e-mails to, and
your letters to:
Mile High Comics, Inc.
Attn: Chuck Rozanski
2151 W. 56th Ave.
Denver, CO 80221