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Title: MANGA Z (2022) #23

Publisher: Antarctic Press

MANGA Z (2022) #23 is available for pre-order (and as an ongoing monthly subscription). To view details of this item, and place a pre-order for this title, see MANGA Z (2022) #23 in the Mile High Comics NICE comic book subscription section.

MANGA Z #23 (C: 0-1-1)
VIRTUAL AFFECTION MAY DESTROY REAL FRIENDSHIP! A DESPERATE RAID TO PREVENT ELVEN BLOODSHED FOR CONQUEST! 'The Adventures of Lenifille' (Kazuaki Ishida), 'VR XOXO' (Luis Torres, MitsuBlinger). 'The Adventures of Lenifille' (Kazuaki Ishida): Lenifille's party returns to Olcross Castle, hoping to stop King Lecter's sinister scheme to use the blood of captive elves to create a conquering force of monsters. 'VR XOXO' (Luis Torres, MitsuBlinger): Discovering Itsumi has hooked up with the A.I. character Eshima, Akari feels violently heartbroken and betrayed by her old childhood friend. Kiko and Shizuka grow more concerned for their increasingly erratic friend and seek her out at the arcade, hoping to help her before it's too late. (W) VARIOUS (A) Various (CA) Ismi Azmil Bikri

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