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Title: URSA MINORS TPB (2008) #1

Publisher: Amaze Ink

URSA MINORS TPB (2008) #1 is available for pre-order (and as an ongoing monthly subscription). To view details of this item, and place a pre-order for this title, see URSA MINORS TPB (2008) #1 in the Mile High Comics NICE comic book subscription section.

by Neil Kleid & Fernando Pinto Tom, Richard and Harry are Bears One, Two and Three - gifted with high-tech robotic bear suits that grant them incredible strength, night vision and razor sharp claws. While most would be tempted to use them heroically, the pop-culture raised/Internet age defenders of Bigby City focus their strengths on comics, beer, and comics about beer. Spending their days at the local ice cream/comic shop, the amazing Bear Suits occasionally protect the city from ninjas, dinosaurs, and robotic movie directors. But then Richard is introduced to the wonder of Internet chatrooms, and he accidentally arranges a date with the Bear's greatest enemy! Will Richard's heart get broken or will the Bears have to break villainous bones? Written/drawn by Xeric-winning author Neil Kleid, Paul Cote and Fernando Pinto, and filled with more homages than you can shake a paw at!

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