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Title: AVENGERS: INITIATIVE (2007) #17

Publisher: Marvel

AVENGERS: INITIATIVE (2007) #17 is available for pre-order (and as an ongoing monthly subscription). To view details of this item, and place a pre-order for this title, see AVENGERS: INITIATIVE (2007) #17 in the Mile High Comics NICE comic book subscription section.

Written by DAN SLOTT & CHRISTOS GAGE Penciled by HARVEY TOLIBAO Cover by MARK BROOKS SECRET INVASION TIE-IN NEW CLUES TO MUTANT ZERO'S IDENTITY AND AN AVENGER RETURNS! Camp Hammond has been overrun, not just by the occupying Skrull army, but by the SKRULL QUEEN, herself! Well guess what? That's just what the SHADOW INITIATIVE wanted! Join MUTANT ZERO, TRAUMA, BENGAL, CONSTRICTOR, and ANT-MAN as they try this war's most dangerous mission: to take out the SKRULL-SPIDER-WOMAN! That IS why you stayed behind, right ANT-MAN? Also: As 3-D MAN and the KILL KREW carve a green, bloody swath across America, their numbers continue to grow. And in this issue, a classic AVENGER signs up-- and joins the AVENGERS: INITIATIVE ongoing cast! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

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