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Title: RISING (2010)

Publisher: Radical Comix

RISING (2010) is available for pre-order (and as an ongoing monthly subscription). To view details of this item, and place a pre-order for this title, see RISING (2010) in the Mile High Comics NICE comic book subscription section.

(W) E. Max Frye (A) J.P. Targete Creator/Writer E. Max Frye (HBO's Band of Brothers) and artist J.P. Targete (illustrator for Pixar's John Carter of Mars film adaptation) present a Spartacus for a future world with a special $1.00 introduction to launch the upcoming miniseries. It's not resistance, it's revolution. After years of war, economic chaos, and mankind, itself, teetering on the verge of thermonuclear extinction, an alien force invades the planet. When a deadly virus is released, this militaristic empire massacres the world's defense forces and most of the human population. The survivors are forced into slavery, helpless as they watch this new enemy plunder the remaining natural resources of Earth. Jarrett Jakes, chosen to fight and die as a gladiator, escapes from Zone R.X. 84 (formerly New York City) to lead a ragged band of guerrilla warriors in hopes of inspiring a downtrodden world to rise up against their alien oppressors.
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